Thursday, January 22, 2009

First Time

This is my first time blogging. I feel like I'm a woman of the new millenium, sort of. I fumble my way around the internet pretty well, unless acronyms are involved or something goes wrong. Then, I revert to a woman of the old, very old, millenium - frustrated, impatient and thoroughly confused.

What's particularly annoying is that "young people" - from age 10 - 50 seems to know how to manage their relationship with their computers and cyberspace intuitively. No fair!

Especially aggravating is being bounced out of the site for no apparent reason. I suppose that's why "swears" were invented, as my young cousin used to say.

My interest in blogging is multi-fold. I'd like to use it as a way to stay in touch with friends, family, clients, etc. I also want to understand how to blog well, perhaps to do so as a tool for my work as a life & executive coach. And how does the blog fit in with my web site?

I also am interested in getting connected with others who share my interests and concerns.

How that works is the next lesson.

More later, Barb